FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE : Tuesday, September 3, 2013
CONTACT: Sara Rabern (605)773-3215
South Dakota Child Identification Program Event in Rapid City
PIERRE, S.D.- Attorney General Marty Jackley and the South Dakota Masons want to remind parents and guardians of the upcoming South Dakota Child Identification Program (SDCHIP) event:
Rushmore Mall
Disaster Awareness and Safety Day
Rapid City, South Dakota
Saturday, September 7, 2013
10:00 am- 4:00 pm (MT)
SDCHIP is part of MASONICHIP, an initiative of the Masons of North American that generates completed packages of various identifying items of children for parents or guardians. The types of identification that are collected include: dental impressions, DNA cheek swab, digital still photo, fingerprints and video imaged interview. All of the identifying materials generated by the program are returned to the child’s family to be kept as an identification kit in the event that a child becomes missing. This kit will aid law enforcement in the recovery of a missing child. The program is offered to the public at no charge.
“SDCHIP is a comprehensive child identification program designed to assist in the event a child becomes missing,” said Jackley. “The Masons should be commended not only for the creation of this important program, but the time put forth to volunteer and administer the program throughout South Dakota.”
Agencies who assist in the implementation of the program include: Masoniship International, South Dakota Academy of Physician Assistants, South Dakota Sheriff’s Association, South Dakota Dental Association, South Dakota Highway Patrol and the Attorney General’s Office. For more information please visit