Attorney General Headshot

Attorney General Marty Jackley

Attorney General Seal

Investigation into Brule County Standoff

PIERRE, S.D – Attorney General Marty Jackley confirms today that the Division of Criminal Investigation has concluded their crime scene reconstruction in last week's standoff in rural Brule County and the residence has been turned over to the family of Donald and Michael London.

Preliminary forensic testing indicates that over 100 rounds were expended and initiated from within the residence. Law enforcement fired less than a dozen rounds in response. More specific details of the forensic exams are all part of the ongoing investigation and part of the criminal justice information that may be used in the prosecution in this case.

"Approximately 132 law enforcement personnel assisted in the standoff. We are very fortunate that with the number of rounds fired from within the residence that more officers were not injured. The additional information that continues to come forward is a testament to the cooperation and bravery of our officers during one of the most dangerous events in South Dakota history. We cannot thank the public enough for their support and providing food, shelter and other resources to our officers,” said Attorney General Jackley.

Donald and Michael London are presumed innocent until such time as proven guilty.