Attorney General Headshot

Attorney General Marty Jackley

Attorney General Seal

Attorney General Explanation for Initiated Measure Petitions Relating to Alcohol and Tobacco Release


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:     Wednesday, May 20, 2015
CONTACT:  Sara Rabern  (605) 773-3215 


Attorney General Explanation for Initiated Measure Petitions Relating to
Alcohol and Tobacco Released


PIERRE, S.D.-  South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley announced today that two Attorney General Explanations for initiated measures have been filed with the Secretary of State. These statements will appear on petitions that will be circulated by the sponsors of the measures. If the sponsors obtain a sufficient number of signatures on the petitions, as certified by the Secretary of State, the measures will be placed on the ballot for the November 2016 general election.
1.  An initiated measure to criminalize the transfer of alcoholic beverages
2. An initiated measure to criminalize the transfer of tobacco and tobacco paraphernalia

Under South Dakota law, the Attorney General is responsible for preparing explanations for proposed initiated measures, referred laws, and South Dakota Constitutional Amendments.
It is anticipated that additional Attorney General Statements for initiated measures and initiated constitutional amendments will be filed in the near future. Specifically, the explanation includes a title, a clear and simple summary of the effect of the proposed measure and a description of the legal consequences.

To view the Attorney General Statements for the measures, as well as the final form of the measures submitted to this office, please click on the link.


