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Attorney General Marty Jackley

Attorney General Seal

Law Enforcement Officials Seek Public’s Help in Locating Missing Man


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:     Wednesday, July 15, 2015
CONTACT:  Sara Rabern  (605) 773-3215 

Law Enforcement Officials Seek Public’s Help in Locating Missing Man

PIERRE – Law Enforcement Officials are seeking the public’s help in locating Hermes D. Miller. Miller is from Janesville, WI, but is said to have been traveling through South Dakota as recently as 11:47 a.m. today. His last know location was Winfred, South Dakota.  Hermes is believed to have dementia or other cognitive impairment.

Personal and vehicle descriptions are on the attached missing person poster.


Anyone with information concerning Hermes Miller is asked to contact their local law enforcement office.

