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Attorney General-Elect Larry Long Warns Consumers on Internet Billing Scam

Attorney General-Elect Larry Long Warns Consumers on Internet Billing Scam 

(Pierre) – The Consumer Protection Division of the South Dakota Attorney General’s Office has been receiving complaints from South Dakota businesses that are finding unauthorized Internet services crammed on to their monthly phone bills. 

Unscrupulous Internet web site service providers are adding monthly charges onto companies’ phone bills for services they did not authorize. In some cases the businesses may have agreed to take a look at materials about the service, but in no way authorized the monthly charge. 

Long suggests that South Dakota businesses carefully review their phone bills and Internet service bills. Make sure every item listed is an item you requested or used. If there are items or services that are unauthorized ask your local phone company to remove the item and pay your bill minus the disputed amount. 

“Take a look at your phone bill and watch the charges closely. The charges are from unscrupulous third parties and not from your phone company, but they appear on the phone bill and many times show up monthly,” commented Long. 

If you receive unauthorized Internet service fee on your phone bill, please contact the Consumer Protection Division of the Attorney General’s Office at 1-800-300-1986 or 
