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Scholarship Scams

Scholarship Scams

(Pierre) – Attorney General Larry Long would like to help students and their parents avoid being victims of scholarship scams.

 Scam artists often imitate legitimate government agencies and education lenders to entice students into believing that they are really going to receive funds for school, when in fact no scholarship is guaranteed.  

Long suggests that students and parents avoid the following offers:

  • Scholarships with an application fee 
  • Scholarships that are guaranteed or your money back 
  • Scholarship sales pitches disguised as financial aid “seminars”

"Students have always had to put it time and effort to receive financial aid and that has not changed," says Long.  "If you have to pay money to get money, it’s probably a scam."

Contact the Consumer Protection Division of the Attorney General’s Office at 1-800-300-1986 or with questions or concerns about scholarship scams.
