Attorney General Headshot

Attorney General Marty Jackley

Attorney General Seal

Aurora County Man Sentenced in Sex Abuse Case

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:   Wednesday, August 30, 2017   
CONTACT:  Sara Rabern (605) 773-3215   

PIERRE, S.D. – Attorney General Marty Jackley and Aurora County States Attorney John Steele announced that Christian Thomas, 43, Plankinton, was sentenced to 87 years in the state penitentiary for his conviction of sexual abuse. Thomas was convicted on May 6, 2017, on twenty-six counts including fourth degree rape, sexual contact with a child under sixteen, sexual exploitation of a minor, aiding or abetting fourth degree rape, aiding or abetting sexual contact with child under sixteen and possession of child pornography.
“This conviction and sentence involve very serious sexual acts against children. The horrific facts in this case justify the lengthy sentence needed to protect the public. The investigators and prosecutors should be commended for the difficult and important work on this case,” said Jackley.
Charges stem from incidents that occurred in a Plankinton residence involving two minor victims.
This case was prosecuted by the Aurora County States Attorney and Attorney General’s Office and investigated by Aurora County Sheriff’s Office and the Division of Criminal Investigation.
