Attorney General Headshot

Attorney General Marty Jackley

Attorney General Seal

Results of Attorney General’s 7th Annual Legislative Shootout Contest

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  Thursday, January 25, 2018

CONTACT:  Sara Rabern (605) 773-3215 

PIERRE, S.D. - “South Dakota enjoys, respects, and protects the fundamental right of the state and our law abiding citizens to bear arms. The Attorney General’s Legislative Shootout is intended to support our constitutional rights, test legislator’s marksmanship and raise money for important causes,” said Attorney General Jackley. Legislators donate to a charity and there is no cost to taxpayers. 

Below are the top three places for this year’s contest:

1. Representative Mark Willadsen (District 11)
2. Representative Steve Livermont (District 27)
3. Representative Greg Jamison (District 12)

Representative Willadsen’s name will proudly be displayed on a plaque at the Attorney General’s Office. Monies raised during this event go to the Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program.

Past winners include:

2012 Representative Stace Nelson
2013 Representative Stace Nelson
2014 Representative Dean Wink
2015 Representative Mathew Wollman
2016 Representative Dean Wink
2017 Representative Herman Otten
