Attorney General Headshot

Attorney General Marty Jackley

Attorney General Seal

Attorney General Jackley Joins Lawsuit Against Biden’s Plan for Development Projects

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Contact: Tony Mangan, Communications Director, 605-773-6878

PIERRE, S.D. – South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley has joined a 20-state Attorney Generals’ lawsuit opposing the Biden Administration’s new environmental standards regarding infrastructure projects.

The lawsuit states that the plan forces adherence to the administration’s green agenda. The Attorneys General said that agenda would require developers to meet undue social, environmental, and race-based regulations.

“These federal regulations put undue burdens on developers building new homes, roads, bridges, and other infrastructure,” said Attorney General Jackley. “It would mean costly delays and placing some projects at risk.”

Other Attorney Generals joining the lawsuit are from: Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

The lawsuit can be found here:
