Attorney General Headshot

Attorney General Marty Jackley

Attorney General Seal

Attorney General Jackley Warns Public About Flood-Related Scams

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Contact: Tony Mangan, Communications Director, 605-773-6878

PIERRE, S.D. – South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley warns residents impacted by the flooding in southeast South Dakota to be careful about flood-related scams involving fraudulent home repairs and charity appeals.

“These are the times when scam artists prey on those dealing with natural disasters,” said Attorney General Jackley. “They will try and take advantage of South Dakotans generosity and say anything to convince you to give them money.”

Attorney General Jackley encourages the public to work with contractors and charities that they know. The Attorney General Office’s Consumer Protection Division also recommends these steps:

*** Do not give into high pressured sales tactics.

*** Be cautious with contractors who solicit business door-to-door.

*** Always get any repair work, construction orders and other types of contracts in writing with expected cost estimates.

*** Compare written bids from several contractors prior to signing a contract.

*** Never pay for the entire job upfront and withhold the final payment until the work is done to your satisfaction.

*** Don’t take a contractor’s word that your insurance company will cover the damage. Check directly with your insurance company.

*** When it comes to charities, give a donation to a local organization that you know.

*** If you have questions about a business or charitable organization, telephone them first to make sure they are legitimate.

*** Talk to someone you can trust before you provide money or personal information to someone who contacts you.

Consumers who believe they may have been a victim of any type of scam should contact the Attorney General’s Office’s Consumer Protection Division at 1-800-300-1986 or at
