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Attorney General Marty Jackley

Attorney General Seal

Box Elder Woman Sentenced for Escape


PIERRE, S.D. – Attorney General Larry Long said today that Sarah Marie Robinson, 21, of Box Elder, was sentenced Friday, June 25th in 7th Circuit Court to 7 years in prison with 4 years suspended for escape. Judge Delaney ordered Robinson’s new sentence to run consecutively to her previous sentence of 5 years in prison for child abuse and a concurrent 5 year sentence for possession of a controlled substance. These charges stemmed from a search of Robinson’s home. The child abuse charge was based upon Robinson exposing her child to methamphetamine by passing it through her breast milk. The controlled substance charge was for the possession of methamphetamine. After the sentencing for child abuse and possession of methamphetamine in October 2003, Robinson failed to surrender herself to begin serving her prison sentence. Robinson was arrested in St. Paul Minnesota on March 4, 2004 and extradited back to South Dakota on March 25, 2004. 

The case was prosecuted by Assistant Attorney General Rod Oswald. 
