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Attorney General Marty Jackley

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Brown and Roberts Counties to Join 24/7 Sobriety Pilot Program

Brown and Roberts Counties to Join 24/7 Sobriety Pilot Program

PIERRE, S.D. – Brown County Sheriff Mark Milbrandt is working with Attorney General Larry Long to expand the 24/7 sobriety program to Brown and Roberts Counties. The program, which was implemented in January 2005, is an alternative to putting people in jail. The pilot program requires offenders to submit twice a day alcohol breath tests as a condition of sentencing or bond. The Brown County Sheriff’s Office has been using a similar program for several years, but now with the help of the Attorney General’s Office they will be able to focus on documentation and implementation of the program in greater detail. The equipment, which has been provided through a federal grant, will allow these agencies to better monitor the program and develop stats to be available to other law enforcement agencies.

"The 24/7 program is a great alternative to keeping the defendant in jail or prison, and helps him or her overcome a substance abuse problem," said Milbrandt. "This program makes the defendant accountable for daily testing and staying sober."

The Attorney General’s pilot program is currently being used in Minnehaha, McCook, Pennington and Tripp counties.

If you need any additional information regarding this program contact Sheriff Mark Milbrandt at 605-626-7100.
