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Attorney General Mark Barnett Announces Specialized Computer Team

Attorney General Mark Barnett Announces Specialized Computer Team

 (Pierre) – Attorney General Mark Barnett said today that the Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) has joined in the battle of Internet crimes against children.  Over the past 10 months, DCI has worked on training 4 DCI Agents to investigate and recover evidence in high technology crimes.  The new unit is called the Electronic Crimes Unit, (ECU), and the agents will be available to respond to requests statewide.  “The need for this unit is long overdue, today many people have a computer, and some are using them to commit crimes” Barnett said.

The DCI team will specialize in the examination and recovery of evidence on computers.  “The unit will cover everything from embezzlement to child pornography.”  The number of requests  has increased dramatically in the last few years” Barnett said.  This unit has already been involved in examining computers for financial crimes, Internet-related thefts, and child pornography.

DCI will be working closely with Bill Mickelson who is head of the Governor’s newly created computer crime unit to maximize the law enforcement effort.  The resources of the two units will compliment each other and provide a valuable resource for the state.  Bill Mickelson has been given authority as a Special Assistant Attorney General/DCI Agent; this gives him law enforcement powers and guarantees cooperation between the two units.
