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Attorney General Marty Jackley

Attorney General Seal

Jury Duty Scam Resurfacing in South Dakota

Jury Duty Scam Resurfacing in South Dakota 

PIERRE, S.D. -     The South Dakota Consumer Protection Division and the South Dakota Unified Judicial System are warning consumers to be alert of a telephone based identity theft scam that targets jury duty obligations.

The scam works like this, the scammer, posing as a local court services worker tells you that a warrant has been issued for your arrest because of failure to report to jury duty. Typically the consumer will deny this because they will have not received a jury duty notice. At this time, the scammer will ask for a date of birth and Social Security number so that he or she can “verify” your claim. With enough information, scammers can assume your identity and open new lines of credit or empty your bank account. On occasion they have even attempted to ask for credit card information in order to pay for a small fine or penalty for not appearing.   

“The use of fear is the basis of this scam,” said Attorney General Long. “Court service officials do not ask for personal identifying information over the phone. As a simple rule, unless you have initiated the call, never give out your personal information to anyone over the telephone.”

If you have been a victim of this scam or would like additional information contact the Consumer Protection Division at 1-800-300-1986 or If you need any additional information about the jury duty process please contact the Unified Judicial System at 605-773-3474.
