Attorney General Headshot

Attorney General Marty Jackley

Attorney General Seal


Ballot Explanations listed on this page are listed by date filed with the Secretary of State Office


AG Statement - Initiated Constitutional Amendment Requiring Legislative Changes to Initiative and Referendum to be Approved by a Vote of the People

AG Statement - Proposed Initiated Constitutional Amendment Concerning Legislative Changes to Initiated Measures


AG Statement - Limiting Annual Property Tax Assessment Increases for Owner-Occupied Single-Family Dwelling and Non-Agricultural Property

AG Statement - Require a Daily Non-denominational Prayer in Public Schools

AG Statement - Referral of SB 201 Pipeline Bill

AG Statement - An Amendment to the SD Constitution Authorizing the State to Impose a Work Requirement on Individuals Eligible for Expanded Medicaid Benefits (SJR 501)

AG Statement - An Amendment to the SD Constitution Updating Gender References for Certain Officeholders and persons (SJR 505)


AG Statement - Proposed Initiated Measure Legalizing the Possession, Use, and Distribution of Marijuana and Creating Dual-Use Marijuana Licenses

AG Statement - Proposed Initiated Measure Legalizing the Recreational Use, Possesion, and Distribution of Marijuana

AG Statement - Proposed Initiated Measure Repealing SDCL Ch. 34-20G, Medical Cannabis

AG Statement - Amendment to the South Dakota Constitution Prohibiting the Legislature from Amending or Repealing Ballot Measures for Seven Years

AG Statement - Initiated Amendment to the SD Constitution Repealing the Single Subject Rule

AG Statement - Constitutional Amendment: House and Senate 8 year Term Limits

AG Statement - Amendment to the SD Constitution Removing the Limitation That a Proposed Constitutional Amendment Embrace Only One Subject

AG Statement - Initiated Constitutional Amendment concerning Open Primaries

AG Statement - Constitutional Amendment Prohibiting Taxes on Anything Sold for Human Consumption

AG Statement - Initiated Measure (Prohibiting Taxes on Anything Sold for Human Consumption


AG Statement - Initiated Amendment Establishing a Right to Abortion in the State Constitution

AG Statement - Initiated Constitutional Amendment Sales Tax on Eating and Drinking

AG Statement - Initiated Measure Sales Tax on Eating and Drinking


2021 All Ballot Explanations

2020 All Ballot Explanations

2019 All Ballot Explanations

2018 All Ballot Explanations

2017 All Ballot Explanations 

2016 All Ballot Explanations

2015 All Ballot Explanations

2014 All Ballot Explanations