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Attorney General Larry Long Joins National Organizations to Sponsor Eighth Annual National Consumer Protection Week

Attorney General Larry Long Joins National Organizations to Sponsor Eighth Annual National Consumer Protection Week 

PIERRE, S.D. - Attorney General Larry Long’s Consumer Protection Division has joined a group of federal and state agencies and national advocacy organizations to launch the eighth annual National Consumer Protection Week (NCPW), February 5-11, highlighting consumer protection and education efforts around the country. This year’s theme, "Consumer Protection is the Name of the Game" focuses on empowering consumers to be more proactive in the fight against fraud.

"The first step in fraud prevention is education," said Long. "Our goal for National Consumer Protection Week is to help educate consumers and provide them with the knowledge to recognize fraud and lessen the chance of becoming a victim." 

During NCPW, the South Dakota Consumer Protection Division will offer consumer tips on their website at For more information about NCPW, visit or contact the South Dakota Consumer Protection Division at 1-800-300-1986.
