Attorney General Headshot

Attorney General Marty Jackley

Attorney General Seal

Medical Equipment

Medical equipment can be an expensive part of health care. That’s why it’s important to only purchase equipment that is right for you. Equipment that doesn’t meet your needs might be uncomfortable or cause further pain and injury.

Before purchasing any equipment, determine if it will be covered by your insurance or Medicare. If your insurance will not cover the purchase, other options might be available. Your local hospital or health care provider might have a list of agencies that lease, loan, or provide equipment to those who can’t afford it.

Hearing Aids

Hearing aids and batteries can be very expensive. To prevent a costly hearing aid mistake, make sure your hearing loss has been properly diagnosed. This can be done by an ear specialist, audiologist, or your own physician.

Once diagnosed, you will need to be fitted for a hearing aid. The State Board of Hearing Aid Dispensers regulates and licenses hearing aid salespeople. Licensed hearing aid salespeople are qualified to fit customers with hearing aids. Be sure the hearing aid you choose works properly and fits comfortably before you make the purchase.

You can obtain a list of licensed hearing aid dispensers in your area by contacting the State Board of Hearing Aid Dispensers at 605-642-1600.