Attorney General Headshot

Attorney General Marty Jackley

Attorney General Seal

Midwest Automated Fingerprint Identification Network (MAFIN)

The Midwest Automated Fingerprint Identification Network (MAFIN) is a shared regional database involving South Dakota, Minnesota (host computer site) and North Dakota.

The SD DCI became a member of MAFIN in 1997. The SD DCI operates as a remote site in an existing Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) location through the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) in Saint Paul, MN.

The MAFIN system enables speedy comparison of fingerprints and has the capability of matching records under alias names for all criminal fingerprint records among the three states.

The MAFIN database also contains latent prints left at crime scenes. All new arrest fingerprint searches are compared against the unsolved latent fingerprints file as well as previously stored images.