Attorney General Headshot

Attorney General Marty Jackley

Attorney General Seal

Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS)

The Automated Fingerprint System (AFIS) was introduced in South Dakota in 1997 allowing fingerprint technicians the capability to scan fingerprint images into a database for storage, comparison, and retrieval. In June 2008, AFIS was upgraded to elimiate the scanning process, decreasing processing time and allowing for an instantaneous link to the FBI. This database consists of all South Dakota criminal arrest information and fingerprints of offenders. With this capability, the DCI is able to identify suspects in real time for investigations, comparing latent fingerprints found at crime scenes against tenprint images. Along with AFIS, a shared archive server, Midwest Automated Fingerprint Identification Network (MAFIN) enables the processing and storing of livescan transmittals. This equipment is used to connect to the FBI's Integrated Automated Fingerprint System (IAFIS), sharing arrest information electronically, replacing ink-and-roll arrest cards.

South Dakota DCI expanded AFIS technology in 1999 to the three largest state law enforcement contributors. Between 2001 and 2008, additional livescans were added throught South Dakota. As of 2009, 90% of South Dakota's arrests are transmitted electronically through AFIS livescan. Livescan is a machine which replaces ink-and-roll fingerprints providing for a paperless environment. Fingers are rolled across a glass plate and scanned into a computer, then converted to digital form for transmission electronically to the DCI workstation for identification.